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  • akabaz on Band Mate
Location Leicester
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Band/Artist Name akabaz
Description I am a producer besed in leicester with a full recording studio . I would like to hear from people who are interesting in Collab's from piano players to vocalists, if your interested in working on some projects with me please get in touch.
Instruments Played Keyboard, Piano, Synthesisers, Digital - Computer Audio, Turntables
Influences i have travveled through alot of dance music to get to where i am today . to many influences but from leicester and lucky to be in a building that has 12 rehersal rooms and a venue and so theres always a hooky guiter riff to inspire me as i walk up stairs to my studio :-)
Equipment List Cubase 12 UAD SSL yamaha technics rane etc
Joined 04 Oct 2012
TagsLets, Change, The, World, With
Website http://www.akabaz.co.uk/
Contact info
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