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  • Deep-Space-Fruit-Machine on Band Mate
Location London
User Type Band
Sex Unspecified
Band/Artist Name Deep Space Fruit Machine
Description We're looking for an ace vocalist/lyricist to join us. Interested?
Instruments Played
Influences Eealy RHCP, Incubus, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, STP, Candlebox, Fugazzi,
Equipment List PRS guitars, Blackstar Amp Peal drum kit Traban Array Limited 4 string Peavey Grin 6 String
Joined 21 Aug 2013
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Website http://www.deepspacefruitmachine.com/
Contact info
Description: Deep Space Fruit Machine are a three piece rock/funk band from Sw London. We have been together for about two months and are writing at a quick pace. We each have 15+ years experience on our respective instruments. We are searching forvthe right vocalist. Have a listen to some of our live recordings and if you're up for ... Read more
Location: London
Views: 592
Posted: 10 years ago by Deep-Space-Fruit-Machine
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