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  • CapitalVibe on Band Mate
Location West Midlands
User Type Band
Sex Unspecified
Band/Artist Name Capital Vibe
Description Birmingham, UK Original material band - Blues/Rock/Funk/Soul
Instruments Played
Influences AC/DC Joe Bonamassa Free The Eagles Led Zeppelin Thin Lizzy Maroon 5 BB King SRV Cream
Joined 09 Apr 2014
Active listings 1 - View active listing
Uploaded tracks 5 - View uploaded tracks
Contact info
Description: Capital Vibe is a Blues Rock band inspired by heavy groove and funk – the kind of music that gets your whole body moving and gets feet up to the dance floor. We are currently offering the exciting opportunity for the right bassist to join the band. The bassist should be dedicated and enthusiastic, but also have a tal... Read more
Location: West Midlands
Views: 707
Posted: 10 years ago by CapitalVibe
TagsBassist, Groove, Blues, Rock, Funk
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