There are 4 profile results and 1 listings results.

Here are the 4 results that are within Penzance, Cornwall And Isles Of Scilly

Location: Cornwall
Location: Penzance
Location: Penzance
Description: Vocalist learning instruments for fun have vision for a band with creativity in mind dont know currently what style but i mainly enjoy rock, metal, rap punk etc.
Location: Penzance
TagsPunk, Rock, Metal, Rap, Grunge

Here is the 1 result that is within Penzance, Cornwall And Isles Of Scilly

Description: Looking to meet like minded people for advice and one day creating the band InPained Dont know the direction im going in with it but im aiming for it to be multi genre and just create stuff!
Location: Penzance
Views: 78
Posted: 1 year ago by zehdiac
TagsGrunge, Rap, Punk, Metal, Love