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  • dembloosmen on Band Mate
Location Watford
User Type Musician
Sex Male
Band/Artist Name Mike Denton
Description Hi Im a old git who is a drummer looking for other old gits to play a bit of blues for fun
Instruments Played
Influences John Mayall Eric Clapton Ginger Baker
Equipment List Odery 18 inch jazz drum kit
Joined 10 Jul 2014
Active listings 2 - View active listings
TagsBlues, Drums, Rock
Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: I am an experienced veteran drummer wanting to form a blues band in the Watford area
Location: Watford
Views: 586
Posted: 9 years ago by dembloosmen
Tagsblues, drummer, rock, veteran
Description: I am an amateur mature blues/rockdrummer looking for a band. I have been playing a long time and covered most styles. Blues is my real love
Location: Watford
Views: 634
Posted: 10 years ago by dembloosmen
Tagsdrummer, blues, veteran, amateur
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