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  • lisa on Band Mate
Location East Sussex
User Type Band
Sex Female
Band/Artist Name Victim X
Description rock/heavy rock band looking for DEDICATED musiscians to write originals! Please, NO TIME WASTERS! 30yrs plus.
Instruments Played Guitar Lead, Vocalist
Influences skunk anansie, velvet revolver, metallica, guns n roses, guano apes, audioslave etc
Equipment List pa, full guitar equipment!
Joined 10 Feb 2013
Active listings 1 - View active listing
TagsRock, Heavy
Contact info No additional contact info provided.
Description: Looking for dedicated rhythm guitarist and drummer prepared to spend the time writing originals! 30 plus. sick of time wasters!!!!!!
Location: East Sussex
Views: 915
Posted: 11 years ago by lisa
TagsRock, Heavy-Rock
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