There are 1 profile results and 1 listings results.

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Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Hi, I am a singer/songwriter who's looking for people to play my music with :) Currently only looking for a keyboardist! I don't want people who are only interested in playing live but rather form a fun group of friends who enjoy rehearsing and see potential rather than just a hobby in what we're doing! Cheers!
Location: Dunfermline
TagsRock, Keyboard, Symphonic, Metal, Nightwish

Here is the 1 result that match your search criteria.

Description: Hi there! I am looking for someone who is interested in working with me and my music which is within the symphonic rock/ melodic rock genre :) If you're really into Nightwish, Movie Scores and maybe artists like Enya, let me know! This is going to be pretty casual for now, just hanging out and jamming from time to time but... Read more
Location: Dunfermline
Views: 116
Posted: 2 years ago by kabyburton
TagsKeyboard, Nightwish