There are 3 profile results and 1 listings results.

Here are the 3 results that are within Woodstock, Oxfordshire

Location: Woodstock
Description: It's years since I played lead guitar in a few local bands. I still practice virtually every day and am now a proficient rhythm player as well. I have a selection of guitars and assorted equipment and p.a. gear in a small home studio. I would love to find nearby musos with a thought to maybe forming a small band (or duo, tr... Read more
Location: Woodstock
TagsGuitarist, Singer,
Location: Woodstock

Here is the 1 result that is within Woodstock, Oxfordshire

Description: I'm trying to start a band with the current name as Now Comply (which can be up for discussion in the future), i'm ideally looking to do a rock/rap/dance mix of genres (think Oasis, Rage Against the Machine, Pendulum and Enter Shikari). I've been singing on the songs myself for the time being but feel someone with a more co... Read more
Location: Woodstock
Views: 284
Posted: 4 years ago by dhutt97
Tagsrock, band, rap, wicked, music