There are 3 profile results and 1 listings results.

Here are the 3 results that are within Wilmslow, Cheshire

Description: Looking for hammond / Rhodes / String keys. Authentic Manchester funk band - Gigging and tearing up the joint.
Location: Stockport
Location: Wilmslow
Description: Just moved to Wimslow/Manchester, been drumming since I was a kid also dabble in piano and guitar.
Location: Wilmslow

Here is the 1 result that is within Wilmslow, Cheshire

Description: We are a Manchester/South Manchester based authentic funk band diggin' deep into that sweet, sweet funk and soul sound. If you know your way around a keyboard and want to be part of something fresh & exciting get in touch. We are not a working function band but very connected in the NW venue wise. Hope to hear from you.
Location: Stockport
Views: 808
Posted: 8 years ago by sham
Tagskeyboard, funk, soul, manchester