There are 2 profile results and 1 listings results.

Here are the 2 results that are within Banwell, Somerset

Location: Banwell
Description: My name is Neil & I am the GUITAR in 'GUITAR SOUNDSCAPES' / ‘ PLUMA DORADA’ and founder member of MAGPIE22 . I started my love affair with music at the age of 4, sharing my bed every night with a small blue and white plastic guitar - wherever I went so did the guitar, and not much has changed since! At the age of 13 I ... Read more
Location: Banwell

Here is the 1 result that is within Banwell, Somerset

Description: Ideally I'm looking for a lady percussionist . If you like what you see/hear on my YouTube Channel PLEASE get in touch. An interesting adventure awaits the right person.
Location: Banwell
Views: 64
Posted: 8 months ago by pluma-dorada