There are 9 profile results and 0 listings results.

Here are the 9 results that are within Taunton, Somerset

Location: Taunton
Location: Taunton
Location: Taunton
Location: Taunton
Description: 37 year old rock drummer and guitarist looking for a bassist and possibly another guitarist in the Taunton area. Mainly into Zeppelin, Hendrix, The Beatles etc., but anything good. Looking to jam with some beers at first and see where it leads.
Location: Taunton
TagsRock, Bassist, Funk, Blues, Jamming
Location: Taunton
Description: I’m 17 and love all music but especially metal I’m looking for some band mates to make music with.
Location: Taunton
TagsMetal, Head, Guitarist,
Description: I am ASTROMEGA, independent solo artist. I am looking for a collaboration with talented FEMALE vocalist on my project. Please contact me on [email protected] Please send link/samples of your vocal abilities, short bio, and other links if applicable.
Location: Taunton
Description: Currently bassist in rock covers band Good God No but have been a long-time jazz rock/fusion fan. Grew up with Motown, etc. turned into a prog rock teenager who slowly became much more interested in jazzier sounds. I'm not a 'trained' musician but I now have a bunch of my own jazzy compositions which I'm looking to 'realis... Read more
Location: Taunton
TagsJazz, Jazzrock, Fusion

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