There are 4 profile results and 3 listings results.

Here are the 4 results that are within Billericay, Essex

Location: Essex
Location: Billericay
Location: Billericay
Location: Billericay

Here are the 3 results that are within Billericay, Essex

Description: Experienced guitar/vocals playing jazz, Latin, country - most styles, seeks working band
Location: Billericay
Views: 95
Posted: 1 year ago by peter-anthony
Description: I've been playing for 13 years now on and off self-taught. Looking for an establish band or musicians wanting a fun project. Into most genres but either looking for psychedelic rock/dream pop or modern/neo soul like Jungle for instance. I mainly want to have fun and would love to gig! Can drive/have own gear.
Location: Billericay
Views: 88
Posted: 1 year ago by jackb
Description: Most genre's considerd
Location: Billericay
Views: 200
Posted: 3 years ago by soul5t1