There are 6 profile results and 2 listings results.

Here are the 6 results that are within Sawbridgeworth, Essex

Location: Essex
Location: Sawbridgeworth
Location: Sawbridgeworth
Location: Sawbridgeworth
Location: Sawbridgeworth
Description: female drummer looking to join a band! been drumming for around 2 years, into rock and metal
Location: Sawbridgeworth
TagsMetal, Rock, Nu, Metal, Alt

Here are the 2 results that are within Sawbridgeworth, Essex

Description: been drumming for about 2 years, super passionate and would love to join a band, cos playing on my own is boring. :) +447794787223
Location: Sawbridgeworth
Views: 84
Posted: 1 year ago by jessie-450
TagsRock, Metal, Drummer
Description: looking for a bassist to join a semi established gypsy garage surf band , something a little different . we are in 20's , we have someone on vocals harmonica guitar and drums , just after a bassist a lot of the songs are three / four chord tricks influences are the growlers / the doors , / 60's garage sur... Read more
Location: Essex
Views: 567
Posted: 9 years ago by videomannico
Tagsbassist, surf, garage, blues,