There are 3 profile results and 3 listings results.

Here are the 3 results that are within Rayleigh, Essex

Location: Essex
Location: Rayleigh
Description: 16yo lead guitarist, Grade 8 passed, played in multiple bands, gigging experience, fan of all music but predominantly heavy metal - contact via insta ejhguitar
Location: Rayleigh
TagsMetal, Thrash, Rock, Teen, Guitarist

Here are the 3 results that are within Rayleigh, Essex

Description: Talented Essex teen metal band seek a singer/vocalist and a bass guitar player. Rayleigh / Southend area. See profile for influences or check out FlamesOfThePhoenixBand on Insta also for contact - thanks ??????
Location: Rayleigh
Views: 17
Posted: 3 weeks ago by ejhguitar
TagsMetal, Bass, Singer, Vocalist, Essex
Description: Looking for a committed metal band in Essex that needs a lead guitarist - check out insta Ejhguitar for videos and contact
Location: Rayleigh
Views: 16
Posted: 3 weeks ago by ejhguitar
TagsMetal, Essex, Guitarist, Teen,
Description: Looking for a committed metal band in Essex that needs a lead guitarist - check out insta Ejhguitar for videos and contact
Location: Rayleigh
Views: 16
Posted: 3 weeks ago by ejhguitar