There are 4 profile results and 2 listings results.

Here are the 4 results that are within Caldicot, Caerphilly County Borough

Location: Caldicot
Location: Caldicot
Description: Hey, we're the Black Powder Prophets, a new folky/bluegrassy band thing. We're looking for people preferably under 20 years old who can play cello/bass/violin in bluegrass style. Hopefully this'll be a long-term thing with gigging and album recording etc but who knows. We currently have two members- 1. Jacob, a mediocre s... Read more
Location: Caldicot
Location: Caldicot

Here are the 2 results that are within Caldicot, Caerphilly County Borough

Description: We are a BluesRock band based just off the Motorway near Newport and seek a keyboard player. We perform live paid for gigs sharing the gigs proceeds equally. We do our own version of cover songs and would look to produce our own records. We already produced our own Music videos and CDs
Location: Caldicot
Views: 211
Posted: 3 years ago by bluesfinder
TagsBlues, Keyboard, Hammond, player
Description: Hey, we're the Black Powder Prophets, a new folky/bluegrassy band thing. We're looking for people preferably under 20 years old who can play cello/bass/violin in bluegrass style. Hopefully this'll be a long-term thing with gigging and album recording etc but who knows. We currently have two members- 1. Jacob, a mediocre s... Read more
Location: Caldicot
Views: 240
Posted: 3 years ago by black-powder-prophets
TagsFolk, Bluegrass, Cello, Bass, Violin